Angling Rules
It is every angler’s responsibility to be familiar with and adhere to all of the following rules, in addition to all relevant Environment Agency bye-laws, particularly relating to catch and release, methods of fishing and permitted tackle.
1. Rod Licence
A valid and relevant Environment Agency Rod Licence where required by law must be held by all anglers in addition to a Federation Permit. This includes anglers aged under 16 years of age.
2. Close Season Dates
a. Salmon: 1st November to 31st January
b. Sea Trout: 1st November to 2nd April
c. Brown Trout: 1st October to 21st March
d. Coarse Fish: 15th March to 15th June
All dates are inclusive.
e. River Till: refer to the River Tweed Commission Angling Codes.
3. Specific Rules
Migratory Fish – Salmon and Sea Trout
a. All Salmon caught before 16th June in any year are to be returned immediately to the water with the least possible injury.
b. All Salmon and Sea Trout caught after 30th September in any year are to be returned immediately to the water with the least possible injury. (This includes River Till)
c. No more than two hooks (Single, Double or Treble) shall be used whilst fishing. Barbless hooks shall be used before 16th June in any year.
d. A team of flies may be used provided there is a minimum distance of 30cm between each fly.
Brown Trout
a. Fly fishing only before 1st June.
b. Fly fishing only after 31st August.
c. The bag limit per angler per day is two brace.
4. Methods
a. Fly or lure only to be used for all migratory fish and brown trout.
b. The use of live or dead bait of any kind for all migratory fish and brown trout is totally prohibited.
c. The use of moulded artificial shrimps or prawns is prohibited.
d. Fly fishing only for migratory fish before 1st March and after 30th September on the River Coquet and River Tyne. (For River Till refer to the River Tweed Commission Angling Codes).
e. Fly fishing must be carried out using the appropriate equipment of a fly rod, fly reel and a permitted fly line.
f. Fly lines are restricted to floating and intermediate lines on the River Coquet. Sink tips and polyleaders are allowed.
g. Leaded lines of any kind are prohibited on all waters.
h. The use of rods exceeding 13ft in length on the River Coquet is prohibited.
i. One treble hook only is allowed on spoon baits on all waters.
j. The use of Flying ‘C’ lures is prohibited on all waters.
k. All anglers must be in possession of an appropriate landing net which should be used to land any fish whenever possible in order to reduce injury to the fish.
l. The use of anything other than a landing net to land a fish is totally prohibited on all waters.
m. If any fish is deep hooked, particularly in the gills, it may not be possible to remove the hook. In this instance cut the line close to the hook and release the fish. This will cause less harm than attempting to remove the hook.
n. When practising catch and release, please whenever possible, keep any fish in the water and follow the guidelines set out by the Angling Trust.
o. Bank lines, trimmers or night lines are prohibited and should be reported to the Head Bailiff.
p. No ground baiting is permitted except for coarse fishing on the River Tyne.
5. Special Restrictions
a. No fishing is permitted:
i. Between the white posts situated 20m upstream and 100m downstream of the dam between Warkworth and Amble. (River Coquet)
ii. Within a distance of 25m upstream and 100m downstream of the crest of the dam at Warkworth. (River Coquet)
iii.Within a distance of 150m downstream of the crest of the dam at Thrum Mill, Rothbury after 30th September. (River Coquet)
b. Fly fishing only is permitted from 1st February to 31st August within 100m downstream of the crest of the dam at Thrum Mill, Rothbury. (River Coquet)
c. Anglers are reminded of the provisions in the Environment Agency bye-laws prohibiting fishing within 25m upstream and 100m downstream of certain dams, weirs, structures and Thrum Mill falls after 31st August and at all times between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise. Please refer to the Environment Agency rod fishing rules for details.
d. Spinning for any fish upstream of Pauperhaugh Bridge before 1st June is prohibited and fly fishing only is permitted at any time downstream of the bridge to the boundary white posts.(See also Rule 6d.) (River Coquet)
e. Fly fishing only from Lady’s Bridge to the Old Race Bridge, Rothbury. (River Coquet)
f. Fly fishing only from Shillmoor to Linbriggs and Linbriggs waters. Fishing these waters is prohibited after 30th September. (River Coquet)
g. Fly fishing only from the boundary above Felton bridges to Point B shown on map 'Felton River Coquet'.
h. All fishing is prohibited on the River Coquet below Warkworth dam in extreme low water conditions as determined by the Head Bailiff. It is the responsibility of every angler to ensure fishing is not prohibited and if in doubt advice should be sought from a Federation Bailiff before fishing.
i. No dogs allowed on Gallowfield, High Park or Low Park waters. (River Coquet)
6.Statutory Provisions
All anglers should be familiar with the following:
a. All current E.A. bye-laws which apply to all anglers fishing Federation waters on the River Coquet and River Tyne.
b. The Provisions of the ‘Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975’. A breach of any of these statutory provisions will result in the cancellation of a permit and risk prosecution.
c. Night fishing is allowed for Salmon permit holders only and is not permitted between the end of the first hour after sunset and the beginning of the first hour before sunrise unless an artificial fly is used with each hook not exceeding 10mm in diameter. Night fishing for brown trout is prohibited.
d. No fishing is permitted at night within a distance of 25m upstream and 95m downstream of Pauperhaugh Bridge. (River Coquet)
e. River Tweed Commission Angling Codes govern fishing on the River Till. (see All anglers should be familiar with the rules contained therein.
7. General
a. Permits and rod licences must be carried at all times when fishing and be produced for inspection at the request of any Federation Bailiff or Officer, E.A. employee, Northumberland Estates employee or other Federation permit holder.
b. Permits must be signed by the permit holder and are strictly non-transferable.
c. All tackle, baits, equipment and fish caught and taken must be produced for inspection at the request of any Federation Bailiff or Officer.
d. All breaches of Federation Rules or Statutory Provisions must be reported to the Head Bailiff or the Secretary without delay.
e. All Sea Trout measuring less than 10 inches and Brown Trout measuring less than 9 inches from the nose to the fork of the tail are to be returned immediately to the water, whether alive or dead.
f. No coarse fishing is permitted in the River Coquet or its tributaries and any coarse fish caught must be returned immediately to the water.
g. No fishing is permitted up any mill race or fish pass.
h. All foul-hooked fish must be immediately returned to the water causing as little harm as possible.
i. No fish caught in Federation waters shall be sold or offered for resale.
j. All waters must be approached by recognised access without committing trespass.
k. A current Federation parking card must be displayed in your vehicle when fishing or when parked in a recognised Federation parking area.
l. All litter, including discarded line, must be taken with you and disposed of correctly.
m. No-one is permitted on Federation waters whilst under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
n. No camping, boating, bathing or fires permitted.
o. Any changes to Rules and Regulations throughout the season will be posted on the Federation website.